The President of the Ghana Esports Federation, Igor Boumekpo, has been invited to the World Phygital Summit 2024 in Turkey.

This prestigious global event will bring together leaders and innovators in both physical and digital sports (phygital sports) to discuss and shape the future of this rapidly evolving industry.

The Ghana Esports Federation, under Boumekpo’s leadership, has recently achieved significant milestones, including official recognition from the National Sports Authority as the governing body for esports in Ghana.

This recognition underscores the federation’s efforts in organizing major events like the Warm Up Esports Festival and the participation in the annual Orange Esports events, which have been pivotal in promoting esports across the country.

The invitation to the World Phygital Summit is a testament to the growing influence and accomplishments of the Ghana Esports Federation on the international stage. It provides an excellent opportunity for Ghana to showcase its progress in the esports sector and to forge new partnerships that could further enhance the country’s esports ecosystem